Thursday, February 23, 2006

UKIP listens to it's supporters and members

In my opinion, this will be helpful for UKIP as it will make UKIP a real political party and NOT just an ANTI-EU Pressure Group.
And hopeful, the membership will increase, as it is 20,000 at the moment.

Monday, February 20, 2006

40% of UK Muslims want Sharia Law

Tis is not good, for soon our courts will have different laws for Muslims and Non-Muslims, also the possibility of stoning which occurs in the Middle East could soon arrive in Britain

Thursday, February 09, 2006


In the past week, all over the world, we have seen Islamic extremists saying they will kill those who insult Islam and the prophet Mohammed, and in the Middle East Jihadists have been burning Danish Flags, destroying Danish embassies and boycotting Danish Food.
The Danish should stand up to the evil Islamists as they are a Western Christian Nation and should NOT have to become an Islamic nation and follow Islamic laws just to please the Jihadists like Al-Qaida

Why did the UK Government not do anything when 200 or so Jihadists had banners saying "Kill those who insult Islam" and "Europe youre 9/11 will come" The Police were ordered NOT to arrest anyone at the protest. Im Sure the same would have NOT applied if UKIP or the BNP were protesting about Islam or the EU.

It seems that our Government is too scared to stop the rise of Islam in Britain, especially as NEW Labour are trying to get the Muslim vote, as in the 2005 general election, muslims turned away from labour and voted Lib Dem or RESPECT.

In the local elections this year, I urge you to vote UKIP if you can to show our Pro-Islamic government that the people of Britain, do NOT want to be an Islamic Nation.
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